Page name: undertaker fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-24 08:27:57
Last author: lenardo
Owner: lenardo
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co.president:[Thunder Cid]
1.[over stimulated kittie]
2.[juvi phase2(new poll and sign my g-book)]
3.[Jace Beleren]
5.[satan rules]
6.[Shark Boy]
7.[The Rejekt]
8.[kevin harvick_rocks]

Name: Undertaker

Height: 6 foot 10

Weight: 328 pounds

From: Houston

Finishing Move: Chokelsam; Tombstone; Last Ride

Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Tag Team Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion

If any one Superstar symbolizes WWE, it's the Undertaker.

For more than a dozen years, the Undertaker has been a WWE mainstay. He's battled all the greats -- from Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior to Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock -- and lived to tell about it. No other Superstar has ever had the run of success enjoyed by the Deadman -- no one.

A multiple-time WWE Champion, Taker has had the privilege of performing in main events all over the U.S., North America and the world. In fact, Taker's WrestleMania record is second to none -- he is an amazing 12-0 at WrestleMania.

The Undertaker has also been at the forefront of some of the most original matches and concepts in WWE history. He is the innovator of Inferno Matches, Casket Matches, and, of course, the famed Hell in the Cell. He is also constantly in the hunt for the WWE Championship.

undertaker pictures

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2005-01-26 [lenardo]: if u want to join just ask me

2005-01-26 [Orgasmo]: i may join... but the undertaker is a big dick nowadays! what ever happened to the days of the ministy of darkness! and his golden urn! DUDE He just sucks now!

2005-01-26 [lenardo]: don't know back then he was in his prime but now he is getting old

2005-01-26 [over stimulated kittie]: I have to join :D

2005-01-26 [lenardo]: ok i will add u

2005-01-26 [over stimulated kittie]: Did you add this wiki to the wiki's wiki page?

2005-01-26 [over stimulated kittie]: oops sry pushed button twice

2005-01-26 [lenardo]: yes

2005-01-26 [juvi phase2(new poll and sign my g-book)]: this wiki rocks

2005-01-26 [lenardo]: u see the pictures

2005-01-28 [Orgasmo]: again, back in the day (since wrestling nowadays is honesty a bit pants) can anyone remember when the taker fought the giant and knocked him out with chloroform!

2005-01-28 [lenardo]: I don't remember that

2005-02-04 [Jace Beleren]: fear the dead man

2005-02-13 [lenardo]: u want to join

2005-02-13 [Jace Beleren]: yeah sure

2005-02-13 [lenardo]: ok i will add you

2005-02-13 [Jace Beleren]: thanks

2005-02-14 [lenardo]: your welcome

2005-02-14 [Jace Beleren]: i got a question: did taker won his casket match against hidenrichc?

2005-02-15 [Outta Control]: yes he did win

2005-02-15 [Jace Beleren]: awsome.

2005-02-17 [lenardo]: i know

2005-02-18 [Jace Beleren]: i just hope he can take the wwe title away from jbl

2005-02-19 [lenardo]: one day without hidenric

2005-02-19 [Jace Beleren]: yeah that guy is just mad

2005-02-21 [Outta Control]: lol he will within the next year there talkin about

2005-02-21 [Jace Beleren]: cool

2005-02-22 [Outta Control]: well its a maybe there sayin now this culd be his last Wrestlemania that means he is goin to retire soon

2005-02-22 [Jace Beleren]: that´s too bad. smackdown wont be the same without the dead man

2005-02-22 [Orgasmo]: wrestling hasn't been the same since the dead man became the american badass!

2005-02-22 [Jace Beleren]: i like him more the way he is now

2005-02-23 [Orgasmo]: no way! the urn! paul bearer! the hat and gloves! Wrestling suck these days, its too comercialised

2005-02-23 [Jace Beleren]: true but he has more stile this way. but that´s just my opinion

2005-02-24 [Orgasmo]: nah the myserious aspect to him was his main attribute! when the light went out and the music started i always though DUDE the shit has just hit the fan!

2005-02-24 [Jace Beleren]: yep. and his theme song is awsome too. but his old one is cool too

2005-02-24 [LovinLIFE]: hey dudes can you add me to your wiki!!! i love the undertak and i am going to watch him in action tonight on smackdown

2005-02-24 [LovinLIFE]: oh and also i have a wiki that you all might like. you should come and visit it, it is RANDY LOVERS UNITED!!! its for all those people that like Randy Orton.

2005-02-25 [lenardo]: ok i will add u and i will go there

2005-03-15 [lenardo]: if anyone wants to help me with this wiki just ask me

2005-04-04 [Moorn]: 13-0!!!

2005-04-05 [LovinLIFE]: oh yeah the big man won!!!! whoot i love him more than i did before and i knew he was going to win

2005-04-05 [Jace Beleren]: so did i. his record is now 13-o

2005-04-06 [LovinLIFE]: yeah and it's cool too!!!!!!!!!

2005-04-06 [Jace Beleren]: very

2005-04-07 [LovinLIFE]: oh yeah i know...

2005-04-10 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-04-11 [LovinLIFE]: so what are you all up to?

2005-04-11 [Jace Beleren]: me just playing wwe smackdown:here comes the pain on my ps2

2005-04-11 [Shark Boy]: just sittin here but ne way matt got fired

2005-04-11 [lenardo]: and rhyno

2005-04-12 [Shark Boy]: yeah molly holly 2

2005-04-13 [lenardo]: and spike dudly,victoria,and two more they didn't say the names and stephain is going to OVW

2005-04-13 [The Rejekt]: spike dudley and victoria

2005-04-13 [lenardo]: yes and two more I could go to them because pop-up blocker

2005-04-13 [LovinLIFE]: wow thats a lot....i like vitoria...why'd they let her go

2005-04-13 [Shark Boy]: idk

2005-04-13 [Jace Beleren]: man they are fyering superstars left and right. thats just not right

2005-04-14 [LovinLIFE]: yeah i know....thats bogus

2005-04-14 [Jace Beleren]: very.

2005-04-14 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-04-15 [LovinLIFE]: very....urrr....i am upset

2005-04-17 [Thunder Cid]: All you people worship these current wrestlers but you have no idea who laid the road for them. It was The King Jerry Lawler. Go sign up to King's Court and give a legend his dues

2005-04-17 [LovinLIFE]: thats cool. but i don't like that old pervert very much.....

2005-04-18 [The Rejekt]: why he's awesome

2005-04-18 [satan rules]: can i join this wiki

2005-04-18 [lenardo]: sure i will add u

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: so any1 see raw

2005-04-20 [kevin harvick_rocks]: yeah but have ya'll heard undertaker is gettin hip replacement surgery

2005-04-20 [lenardo]: that sucks

2005-04-20 [Jace Beleren]: sucks big time

2005-04-29 [lenardo]: hopefully he will get back soon

2005-05-10 [Jace Beleren]: awsome banner. who´s the autor?

2005-05-10 [lenardo]: I made the banner but i got the picture from the internet

2005-05-10 [The Rejekt]: that banner is awesome

2005-05-10 [lenardo]: I can make anyone a banner they just need to send me a picture

2005-05-10 [The Rejekt]: if i send u a pic can u make me a banner 4 my kevin harvick wiki

2005-05-10 [lenardo]: yes

2005-05-10 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll send u a pic

2005-05-10 [lenardo]: ok

2005-05-10 [The Rejekt]: ok i'm gonna send it in a sec.

2005-05-10 [lenardo]: k

2005-05-10 [The Rejekt]: ok did u get it

2005-05-10 [lenardo]: yes

2005-05-10 [The Rejekt]: ok just wonderin

2005-05-11 [Jace Beleren]: soo this wikki will have another banner

2005-05-11 [Jace Beleren]: soon this wikki will have another banner

2005-05-11 [lenardo]: cool

2005-05-11 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-05-16 [kevin harvick_rocks]: add me 2 the members list

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: did ya'll know that the reason Undertaker wasn't at this past weekends house shows 4 Smackdown is b/c his wife is pregnant and really close 2 havin a baby

2005-06-03 [lenardo]: she had it

2005-06-03 [The Rejekt]: i know

2005-06-09 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-06-09 [The Rejekt]: koolio

2005-08-17 [LovinLIFE]: what did she have do ya know?

2005-08-17 [The Rejekt]: i think a grl

2005-08-20 [chaza1]: uh can some1 add me if im nt on

2005-08-22 [lenardo]: i will

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: dat's cool

2005-08-23 [LovinLIFE]: thats cool. the undertaker is so hot. and his wife sarah is pretty so there baby is prolly really cute.

2005-08-23 [LeriSuccubus]: The Undertaker looks like a muscully version of my's creepy how much they look alike

2005-08-23 [LovinLIFE]: oh really then if your dad looks like the undertaker than he must have some pretty good lookin kids. but undertaker...expecailly in his wrestlemainia commercial is hot and downright SEXY!!

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: Undertaker rulez but i was pullin 4 Orton @ SS

2005-08-23 [lenardo]: Undertaker should of won. he would of if not for randy's dad

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: no Taker didn't stand a chance against The Legend Killer

2005-08-23 [lenardo]: he had him beat but Randy's dad interfered

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: w/e Orton won so get over it

2005-08-24 [LeriSuccubus]: Orton sux

2005-08-24 [lenardo]: Orton is cool but Undertaker should of won

2005-08-24 [LeriSuccubus]: I dont like orton, mabe I started off on the wrong foot with him, i dont like him bc Taker doesn't like him...yessss im a mindless drrroooonnnneee

2005-08-24 [lenardo]: Do you remember when The Rock said that Orton played with My little pony when he was little then ran into King Kong Bundy's gut?

2005-08-24 [LeriSuccubus]: -blinks- I dont know, if it happened on raw i dont know because i dont get to see it, if it happened some time ago i didnt't watch it bc back then i would watch it on and off

2005-08-24 [lenardo]: it happened on raw

2005-08-24 [LeriSuccubus]: oh, then i didnt see it

2005-08-24 [The Rejekt]: hey Orton is awesome

2005-08-25 [LovinLIFE]: oh well at least undertaker beat randy where it counted. at WrestleMania

2005-08-25 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-08-26 [chaza1]: but the summerslam match was wicked

2005-08-26 [lenardo]: I know it was awsome

2005-08-26 [The Rejekt]: yea it was

2005-09-09 [LovinLIFE]: so how is everyone?!!! Undertaker is A HOTTIE!!!<b>Missing: </b>

2005-09-12 [The Rejekt]: i'm sick

2005-09-13 [chaza1]: right

2005-09-13 [chaza1]: sick in the head or sick sick lol

2005-09-15 [LovinLIFE]: im sick in the

2005-09-15 [The Rejekt]: so am i

2005-09-15 [chaza1]: lol :)

2005-09-15 [The Rejekt]: so watcha doin

2005-09-17 [Shark Boy]: nothin holmes lol

2005-09-17 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-09-19 [LovinLIFE]: yeah absoulutely nothing......just being my sick self *points at self* see!!

2005-09-19 [The Rejekt]: dat's cool

2005-09-20 [chaza1]: ok...

2005-09-20 [The Rejekt]: cool like Carlito

2005-09-21 [LeriSuccubus]: i dont like him, he is mean. but he would look hot if he cut his hair and spiked it up,

2005-09-21 [The Rejekt]: um Carlito is cool just the way he is he should never change!

2005-09-25 [chaza1]: yeah rock on "the future"

2005-09-25 [The Rejekt]: thanx but that is the way i feel if he cut his hair he wouldn't b the same

2005-09-25 [LeriSuccubus]: but he has a friggin' fro!

2005-09-26 [The Rejekt]: so wat

2005-09-26 [LeriSuccubus]: it looks funny

2005-09-26 [The Rejekt]: i know i do

2005-10-03 [LovinLIFE]: {[LeriSuccubus]: i dont like him, he is mean. but he would look hot if he cut his hair and spiked it up,} you are so right....he would look so much hotter with shorter hair. if he did cut his hair he would kind of look like the Rock? at least in the face a lil bit

2005-10-03 [The Rejekt]: i think Carlito should leave his hair like it is b/c it makes him cool if he cut it he would have 2 spit on himself b/c he wouldn't b cool anymore!

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: lol well he should get it platted n wear really really tight thongs lol and get himself a cool hot girl thats cooler than him

2005-10-24 [The Rejekt]: .......

2005-10-26 [LeriSuccubus]: ooooook...I'm kinda pissed at orton now for saying taker is dead...I know he'll come back and beat his sorry little ass

2005-11-01 [The Rejekt]: but Ortons still cool

2005-11-01 [LeriSuccubus]: i'm not particularly fond of him

2005-11-01 [The Rejekt]: he is awesome though

2005-11-03 [LovinLIFE]: yeah but orton can be an ass no matter how cool he is

2005-11-04 [chaza1]: i used to love orton i still think that hes fit but hes an ass hole but all guys are (soz guys but its true and if not i need some1 2 prove cause i dont believe that) but i dont no if this is the end for taker cause hes kind of old but it would be cool to see him come bk and if its as coo as last time! : )

2005-11-04 [The Rejekt]: do u think i'm an asswhole lol

2005-11-07 [LovinLIFE]: yeah he'll always be good looking but thats the extent of it baybee

2005-11-10 [chaza1]: THE FUTURE who u talkin 2

2005-11-13 [The Rejekt]: i have no idea lol i think i was drunk when i wrote that lol

2005-11-14 [Jace Beleren]: did you hear the news? eddie is dead

2005-11-14 [LeriSuccubus]: Oo wha?

2005-11-15 [Jace Beleren]: he was found dead on his hotel room

2005-11-15 [chaza1]: i know the autopsy is on mon so we will find out how he died n his funeral is on nxt thurs

2005-11-15 [Jace Beleren]: i suspect it was drugs. i hope i´m wrong

2005-11-15 [chaza1]: ?someone said it could be a heart attack? but surly hes too younge i wish that it never happened i truely do from my heart

2008-06-08 [Harms_Way]: this sucks, Undertaker gets banished from WWE because of Edge

2008-06-08 [Jace Beleren]: Lol that´s just acting you know.He wasn´t realy banished.Either he comes back or he had to retire due to some personal reasons

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